Windows Forms, how to avoid a Dialog Box to close

When displaying a Form as a Dialog/Modal Box sometimes you may need to avoid the Dialog form to close.

Let’s say we have a main form that displays another form as a Modal dialog to finally display some information from that form.

Choose favorite pet form

Choose favorite pet form

Here is the code for the “Choose your favorite pet” Dialog form:

public partial class ChoosePetDialogForm : Form
    public string ChosenPet { get; private set; }

    public ChoosePetDialogForm()
        ChosenPet = "Nothing";

    private void choosePetButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var petRadioChecked = this.petListGroup
                                    .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Checked);
        if (petRadioChecked != null)
            ChosenPet = petRadioChecked.Text;

The choosePetButton is associated to a DialogResult of value DialogResult.OK:

Button Dialog Result

Button Dialog Result

That makes the ChoosePetDialogForm “return” the value DialogResult.OK when called as a Dialog Box when the choosePetButton is clicked.

And the code for the caller form:

public partial class PetTestForm : Form
    public PetTestForm()

    private void takeTestButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ChoosePetDialogForm dialog = new ChoosePetDialogForm();
        if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            MessageBox.Show(dialog.ChosenPet, "Pet Chosen:");

Let’s say now that I want to make some validation before the Modal Dialog form closes, for example allow only “platypus” as favorite pet. How can I make the modal dialog to continue running after clicking a button?

if (!radioButtonPlatypus.Checked)
    // avoid the modal dialog to close

Well, as explained on the DialogResult Enumeration documentation, we simply need to set the DialogResult property value of the Modal form to DialogResult.None.

if (!radioButtonPlatypus.Checked)
    // avoid the modal dialog to close
    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
    MessageBox.Show("Wrong pet! Try again.");

This way the Modal form will not close.